English Fix:
Hello, I present you here my little English Fix (with the Incest patch included).
I have either rewritten most of the texts or improved the grammar to the best of my ability. It's probably not perfect but it's definitely better
I hope I don't have to say it but this is
NOT OFFICIAL so use it at your own risk. If you find spelling errors or other stuff just let me now.
I think I will continue to work on it and improve it but after a good 6 hours of writing, changing text, proofreading and more writing I need a break.
1.Put it in and Overwrite it
PC: BansheeTown-pc\game
MAC: BansheeTown.app\Contents\Resources\autorun\game\
Compressed Version:
And because It looks like I had way to much time I even made a compressed version with the English fix included just for fun

(The English fix is just ~30 Minutes older than the most recent one so there are some minor grammar fixes not included.)
Not sure if everything is fine cause I just skipped trough the game but it should be fine. If not tell me.
PC: ~128 MB
Mac: ~90 MB
Edit: If your Browser opens the script.rpy (like Brave for example) right click and use "save link as..." and rename it to script.rpy